AI and Art: The Future of Human Touch in a World of Generated Imagery

Nowadays, I get asked ALL the time, “Leo, what do you think about this AI art?”

I have a few thoughts on it, and some that I don’t hear as many other people discussing.

The world of art has undergone a radical transformation with the advent of artificial intelligence (AI). Platforms like Dall-E and Midjourney have made it possible to generate visually stunning artwork with just a few simple commands. However, there's a crucial aspect that AI-generated art hasn't quite mastered yet: actually looking good on your wall.

While AI can produce intricate landscapes or emulate the style of famous painters, the resulting digital images lack the physical and emotional depth that traditional paintings possess. For those who wish to hang a piece of AI art on their wall, merely printing it onto a canvas won't capture the essence of the original work—the subtle details, textures, and emotions that can only be conveyed through brushstrokes by a human hand. If you’ve ever purchased a printed canvas art to hang, you know it does not compare to a painting.

As technology advances, we may eventually see AI or printers capable of mimicking human painters, but we're still quite a ways off from fully replicating the human touch. This limitation raises interesting questions about the future of art and the role of human artists.

Will painters become the enactors for AI-generated prompts, adding a human touch to digital creations? Could a new industry emerge where artists bridge the gap between AI-generated concepts and tangible works of art? Alternatively, might artists learn to harness the power of AI themselves, using it as a tool to enhance their creativity?

While concerns about the impact of AI on art are valid, the unique value of human expression remains indispensable. The fusion of AI and human artistry has the potential to create a new era of artistic collaboration, enriching the world of art in ways we can only begin to imagine.

As we continue to navigate these uncharted territories, let's not forget the significance of the human touch in art, and the irreplaceable role that human artists play in bringing an AI-generated image to life.

AI and Art: The Future of Human Touch in a World of Generated Imagery

AI generated art (Dall-E) of the NYC skyline in the style of Vincent Van Gogh


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